Good day, this is Toonation
If you haven’t downloaded TOONA yet, please click on the link below to download TOONA
[ TOONA Download & Installation ]
After you’ve downloaded TOONA, a desktop shortcut will appear.
If you turn on TOONA while you stream, you’ll be able to see all alerts at a glance.
*If you are streaming with more than 2 computers, please install TOONA on the computer that you will be broadcasting.
- You can visit your Donation Page
- You can check your viewer count
- You can set certain Alerts to be on/off using Alert Control
- You can control the volume level
- You can see more information about the shared media. Clicking on the magnifying glass icon will display further information about the donation.
- You can use pause alerts to temporarily pause incoming alerts, and use “Skip” to skip the current alert and play the next queued alert.
- Using Alert List Sorting, you can sort by various alert types:
⊙ Latest: Sorts by newest Alerts
⊙ Oldest: Sorts by oldest Alerts
⊙ Highest: Sorts by highest donation alerts
⊙ Lowest: Sorts by lowest donation alerts
- Alert Type Filter will allow you to customize your alert list by only displaying alerts that you check off.
- The Gear Icon will allow you to manage your TOONA app settings
⊙ Viewers: Turning on viewers will display your viewer count on your TOONA main page
⊙ Show the Donation Block Button: This function allows you to immediately block donators.
⊙ Controller Theme : You can set to Dark/Light theme
⊙ Text size in Controller : You can control the text size within TOONA app.
⊙ Language: Change TOONA App language to Korean/English
* All other functions besides the ones listed above are identical to the web Remote Controller.