Good day, this is Toonation.
We inform you that the purchasable amount through Toss has been changed amongst other Toonation cash purchase methods on Tuesday, June 8th, 2021.
Please check the details below for further changes so that you can purchase more diversely.
◆ Modified Date
- After regular maintenance on June 8th, 2021 (Tuesday)
◆ Changes
- Expansion of Purchasable Amount Type
- Decrease of Minimum Purchasable Amount
(Before) 20,000 Cash → (After) 1,000 Cash
※ 1,100 KRW will be purchased for Toss payments in Toonation. ※
You don’t have to pay 1,500 KRW for 1,100 Cash anymore.
We will try to bring you more functions and conveniences throughout the future.
Thank you.