Karaoke Widget Settings
Toonation Karaoke donation allows the donator to request a streamer to sing a song using karaoke coupons along with Toonation cash and is available without any copyright concerns.
Streamers can sing in real-time on the broadcast screen. Please check the information below on how to set up your karaoke widgets.
※ The karaoke coupon is not included in the streamer’s payout amount, and the coupon is provided to the song copyright holders and providers.
1. Streamer Login > Select ‘Widget’ menu on the top left
2. Click ‘Karaoke’ within the widget menu
3. When you click ‘Karaoke’, the karaoke widget settings screen will be displayed as shown in the image below.
1) Karaoke Widget Detail Settings
To use the karaoke function, you have to turn the ‘Use Karaoke’ settings ON. If you choose the “Turn ON karaoke automatically” settings, the karaoke video will be played automatically.
You can set whether to display the donation information at the top of the Karaoke screen by selecting ‘Show Donation Info/Donation Info Not Displayed’.
※ To use the karaoke manual play function, turn OFF automatic karaoke play settings and play it with the Start button on the remote control.
※ For ‘Donation Information Template, Donation information Flow Rate’, we recommend using the default value.
2) Karaoke Widget Additional Settings
- Karaoke Donation Minimum Cash: This is the minimum cash that the donator can donate. (more than 1000 cash ~ less than 10 million cash)
- Maximum Play Time(sec) : Set your maximum playback time for the karaoke widget. If you select the cash required per second, the value of donation cash divided by Required Cash per second and the value of Maximum Playback Length is applied.
- Karaoke Registration Gap Time: This is the time period in which you can receive karaoke donations after you’ve received your previous donation. (Must be more than 0s can be set)
- Maximum number of Karaoke Reservations: This is the maximum number of karaoke donation reservation. (Muse be more than 1 can be set)
※ Karaoke volume can be adjusted from your remote control.
4. Karaoke Alert Settings
1) After you have finished setting up the karaoke widget, click on the ‘Alert Window’ within the widget
2) Alert Window > Click ‘Karaoke Donation Alert’
3) Proceed with setting up the Karaoke Donation Alert
You can set whether or not to show alerts with the ON/OFF button, and you can also set alert display details as shown below
TIP. Karaoke Remote Control Settings
Accept/Reject Toonation Karaoke Donation (Start/Skip) can be found on the Karaoke tab from the Remote Control, and you can also check awaiting Karaoke/ Pause/ Skip on the Karaoke tab.
※ If a streamer refuses a karaoke donation sent by the donator, only the coupon will be returned, the cash will not be returned, and no replays will be possible. (Modified on 2021.1.7)
If it is difficult to proceed with the karaoke contents, make sure to turn OFF the karaoke donation settings.